Step 1
Gather ingredients and mix the dry ingredients together.
- 1 cup of plain flour
- 1/4 cup of water
- 1/3 cup salt
- 2 tbsp of cooking oil (optional)
- Food coloring (optional but colors are fun)
Step 2
Add food coloring and oil to the water and put it in saucepan.
Step 3
Add dry ingredients slowly to pan of water over medium heat.
Step 4
Stir constantly until the dough feels like stiff, smooth, mashed potatoes.
Step 5
Take it off the stove to cool. Once it has cooled, knead it until it is blended smoothly.
Step 6
Store the dough in an airtight container, like a ZiplocĀ® bag or an old dough container you do not use anymore.